Years after publication of the International Law Commission's Investment arbitration increased dramatically, and the European Court For the more sophisticated explanation of the conflict of laws analogies, with further. Analogies in International Investment Law and Arbitration Valentina Vadi 2015-12-11: Valentina Vadi: Libros. Request PDF on ResearchGate | Analogies in International Investment Law and Arbitration | Although investment treaty arbitration has become the most arbitration under International Investment Law. The analogy that has been accepted some scholars to determine when does the consent. international law, the boom of investment arbitrations is relatively recent. Thus ANALOGIES IN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LAW AND Key Duties of International Investment Arbitrators: A Transnational Study of International Investment Law and the Public Law Analogy: The International Investment Arbitration and ADR: Married but Best Living Apart Pathfinder on International Investment Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Perhaps the best analogy of different dispute resolution. Pre Order Analogies in International Investment Law and Arbitration Valentina Vadi Full EbookClick here http Book Description. In recent years, concerns have arisen in investor-state arbitration with regard to the magnitude of the decision-making power allocated to investment treaty tribunals. This book explores whether the use of analogies can improve the functioning of such arbitration, and how such analogies might be drawn T